Friday, January 9, 2009

Vision and goals

My vision is to share the good news that Jesus enables us to embrace our own death in His death on the cross and share in His eternal life walking alive with His Spirit but dead to the flesh. Confess that you are dead, embrace your death in the only Holy Just One who died for you and rose again to share His life with you.

I believe we are called to follow Him seeking service to others. The path of believers in Christ is meant to be a path of service not dominance. Thus, I believe, we are meant to live in a form of mutual church goverment I call lowerarchy. Governing by service and love.

He who would be great in the kingdom of God needs to be the servant of all.


  1. I can appreciate your definition of your coined term "lowerarchy", but why do you couple it with the word surreal? I think of surreal as having connotations of "dreamlike," "hallucinogenic," "not quite in touch with reality". Seems to me that a governance through service and love would be the opposite of that. Christ redefines governance and power in terms of compassion and sacrifice, making those the new standards of "real." Anything less is surreal.

  2. Human reality as our culture, and even Christian church culture, is opposite to governance through service and love. To me 'reality' or 'real' have just as many, if not more, negative connotations as 'surreal'. The use of the word 'real' is more appropo to Wall St.,the Pentagon, and big business - we want results and that what counts-now.
    See the new heading added today to get what I meant by surreal.
    Though we have totally different takes on the word surreal, thanks for your comments.
